Registered CompaniesIndia List
All companies listed here are registerd under MCA which regulates corporate affairs in India through the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 and other allied Acts, Bills and Rules. These compnaies are established in India and registered under The 22 Different RoCs over all India. Here is a list of nearly about 1.6 Million companies registered in RoCs from all States in Inida. All the companies are under diffrent status like Active Amalgamated, Under liquidation, Not Available for eFiling, Converted to LLP, Strike Off, Under Process of Striking off, Dormant, Converted to LLP and dissolved, Dormant under section 455 and
This list contains companies from Public Sector as well as Private Sectors Some compaies Company limited by Shares and some are Unlimited Company and some can be Company Limited by Guarantee. Here you can click on the state to see the companies which belongs to that particular State.
8,268 Registered Companies in Goa
5,121 Registered Companies in Jammu and Kashmir
1,069 Registered Companies in Meghalaya
29,761 Registered Companies in Punjab
132 Registered Companies in Mizoram
10,787 Registered Companies in Assam
454 Registered Companies in Tripura
12,423 Registered Companies in Jharkhand
23,256 Registered Companies in Orissa
95,826 Registered Companies in Gujarat
36,362 Registered Companies in Madhya Pradesh
6,876 Registered Companies in Uttarakhand
1,99,753 Registered Companies in West Bengal
370 Registered Companies in Daman and Diu
676 Registered Companies in Manipur
3,54,932 Registered Companies in Maharashtra
566 Registered Companies in Arunachal Pradesh
39,716 Registered Companies in Haryana
1,36,368 Registered Companies in Tamil Nadu
14,237 Registered Companies in Chandigarh
2 Registered Companies in Sikkim
47,828 Registered Companies in Kerala
1,06,241 Registered Companies in Karnataka
9,416 Registered Companies in Chhattisgarh
28,199 Registered Companies in Andhra Pradesh
403 Registered Companies in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
5,821 Registered Companies in Himachal Pradesh
15 Registered Companies in Lakshadweep
97,922 Registered Companies in Telangana
563 Registered Companies in Nagaland
93,849 Registered Companies in Uttar Pradesh
3,23,257 Registered Companies in Delhi
54,689 Registered Companies in Rajasthan
28,625 Registered Companies in Bihar